our work

Legal Advocacy

At AWESO, we recognise the significant challenges and complexities that the legal system presents, particularly for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) women. We understand the immense courage required for survivors to pursue legal action against their abusers. Our caseworkers are dedicated to providing vital support and signposting clients to trusted legal sources, addressing issues such as immigration, legal protections, and access to justice.

AWESO also offers comprehensive guidance and support to BAME women navigating the court process, ensuring they are fully informed of their rights and available options. As part of our advocacy efforts, we assist survivors and those at risk in seeking justice for the abuse they have endured and provide information on how to apply for legal orders, including non-molestation orders,  child custody and contact, requests for police reports, and making inquiries under Clare’s Law.


Making the difference

Through advocacy, compassion, and unwavering dedication, AWESO is making a tangible difference in the lives of women affected by domestic abuse. Together, we are breaking the cycle of violence and working towards a future where women can live with dignity, respect, and safety.

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